Impression Reputation Revenue
Need a plan and some advice for marketing your startup? Hit the ground running with digital marketing help from MercDigital...
Google Ads for Beginners. Our Google Ads guide for beginners will show you how paid search will help you reach new customers and grow...
PPC (or Pay-per-Click) advertising is a digital marketing tactic that has become increasingly important over the past decade. Many business...
If you’re not using video in your marketing, you’re missing out. Video is recognized as the most dynamic content medium...
Your customers and prospects are almost always online. Consumers are looking to engage with their favorite brands. People are actively...
Online impressions are created every time a consumer encounters (or doesn’t encounter!) your brand when looking for information. Impressions are...
For most businesses, simply posting on Facebook isn’t enough. While Facebook is home to 1.56 billion daily active users, it’s not always...
This Year’s Guide to Native Advertising Digital advertising is all about creating brand messages that persuade and motivate consumers to...
Are You Taking Advantage of Data-Driven Marketing? It’s no longer enough to just write witty copy and plaster images of...
If Client Churn is a Problem for Your Business, Online Reputation Management is Your Solution. If you’re looking for an...